Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ed's Health Update Part 3

July 17 Update

Well this update is very hard for me. Ed is going to Hospice tomorrow. Today around 3:30 in the afternoon he had a stroke. His right side is mostly paralyzed. His face has drooped and he is having difficulty communicating. He is aware of people and knows who they are. He understands what is said to him. He has something to say, but I can’t understand what it is yet. I have been trying to get him to sleep, but he wakes about every hour or so. Please continue to pray for peace. This is a very hard update to write and I am not thinking very clearly tonight. I will be at the hospital all night and have a friend staying here with me. Thank you all for everything. God bless you all.

July 18 Update

Ed finally made it out of Baptist South after 24 days. He is now at Community Hospice - Hadlow Center on Sunbeam Road. He is in room 209. The stroke that he had back in June finally manifested symptoms. I am told that this is not unusual. He has no movement on the right side. He is unable to speak. He seems to kind-of-know what is going on or at least knows when people are here and when they leave. Speaking of, God has answered another pray. Two of Ed's daughters came by the hospital to visit with him today. Thank you God and all who have interceded on this. Your prayers were heard and answered. To be frank, Ed's body is in the process of shutting down. I don't know how long he has but it is not much. If you would like to come by and visit with him, now is the time to do it. I am still having problems on the financial front, but God has given me some angels who brings me small amounts of money just in time. Thank you Jesus. Pray that I can find an attorney in Arkansas who will work first and get paid later. I could still use help getting the office moved. Doug Jones is heading this up for me. Let me know if you can help and I will give him your phone number. I will be staying at Hospice tonight to make sure Ed gets settled in. OH Yeah! Minster our male Yorkie is up here visiting with Ed and anyone else who comes by. Ed knows he is here and even petted him for a few minutes. Minster has been sleeping at the foot of the bed. I am so glad I can bring the puppies up here. Well it is getting late and its hard to think anymore. God bless and prosper everyone.

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