Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20th update (This is Joey posting and writing for Stephanie)

Stephanie and I very much know whats going on.
Hospice is a place that prepares you for the dying process.
We know that Eds time is very short and that he may pass away any minute now or maybe in a few days.
Were not sure.
His breathing has become shallow and there is a rattle in the back of his throat.
He has been asleep for almost 24 hours.
He is on a morphine pump to help make him as comfortable as possible.
Thats what Hospice does, they make you as comfortable as possible in the dying process.

I know alot of you have been by and seen Ed, and trust me, Stephanie appreciates every vist, every phone call and every prayer.
She has brought Minster the male dog and he is laying at Eds feet.
Maggie, one of the female dogs is here as well, as of this morning, and she is very much about comforting Stephanie.

The people here at Hospice have been wonderful to her and brought her anything she needs.
Please remember Ed the way he was, the lively guy that was quick with a wisecrack, enjoyed good food, drink and loved the Lord Jesus with everything in him.

Ed has forgiven everyone and has seen two of his three daughters. He is at peace....

Remember what Stephanie said, and any preacher will tell you, its not up to us where and when God will heal Ed.
None of us, as much as we love Ed want him to suffer.
Jesus is waiting with open arms for Ed.
Of all the people ive met in my life, I know without a shadow of doubt that Ed is not only going to heaven, but his rewards will be bountiful.

Ed was a giver. He very much enjoyed doing for people.
He would give his last dollar to feed someone, trust me, hes done it.

Pray for Stephanie, be there for her in any way you can.
Be the church.
'Be there for the widows' I believe that was Jesus who said that.
Ill close with this....
Stephanie has a hard time asking for anything.
Give what you can to her.
Be there for her in whatever capacity you are able to.

1 comment:

Lenny said...

Stephanie: my name is Lenny and I know Ed. I'm very sorry for your loss. The two of you are often in my thoughts these days.